MERLIN F16 POLISHED FLOOR MAINTAINER - 2x5ltr no zoom available for this image
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Product Code: 012.205
Price: £19.00
Polished Floor Maintainer is used to maintain the shine on a previously polished floor. Dilute & damp mop a dirty floor with floor maintainer. Can be buffed by machine to create an even better hard wearing shine

Product Features:


    Maintains polished floor shine


    Machine Buffable


    Excellent spray cleaner polish


    Quality item made in the UK


    Shipped in 2x5ltrs

Polymer Floor Maintainer. A fragrant, low viscosity, opaque, rose coloured liquid floor maintainer. Recoats and repairs polished floors to leave a flexible slip resistant finish, keeping floors at the peak of their appearance and restoring those that are losing their shine. Suitable for use on marble, terrazzo, linoleum, vinyl, rubber, tiles, sealed wood and sealed cork. Ideal for use in schools, colleges, hotels, offices, airports, factories, shops, shopping centres, ferries, bars, nightclubs and pubs
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To clean & maintain a polished floor, always use a damp mop - well wrung out & not dripping with water. Use Merlin Polished Foor Maintainer 012.205 correctly diluted to help maintain the best look from your polished floor. Floor polish loves to be buffed with a floor polisher and a red floorpad. Merlin Polished Floor Maintainer also likes to be machine buffed to give an extra shine. This makes the polish brighter & harder which in turn makes it last longer before applying another coat of polish.

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