You are here: Home> Cleaning Chemicals> Disinfection> ANTI BAC BIG TUB SURFACE WET WIPES - Tub 1000
Optima anti bac surface wet wipes should be used as a cloth would be, to clean and sanitise almost any hard surface, where its various alcohol based chemicals will kill microbes, including bacteria and viruses. Typically, alcohol is the main chemical in wet wipes and it kills bacteria by breaking down the structure of the proteins in the bugs' cells.
On a small area such as a shelf or someone's meal tray, a single wipe should be used and then discarded, not used on another surface, and if the wipe is too dry, possibly because it has been badly stored or overused, then it should also be discarded because the active ingredient has evaporated or been used up.
After using a number of wet wipes in one cleaning session, it is always better to wash skin, including hands, with hot soap and water and rinse well, in order to avoid the wipes irritating the skin.
These wipes are blue as generally there is no blue food in a kitchen area, and can always been seen clearly if accidentally in contact with any food products.